July 10, 2014

Jump ~ 4

it has been a week that the person i am referring to from Jump ~ 3 finally left. 

as for me and the one i successfully brought up (i really need to give her a name here. how about Allysa?), we jump aboard together to a bigger ship. *clap clap clap*

we are now still under probation and we will be observed by our Direct Superior. we have our own team members who directly report to us. some of the tasks previously done by Direct Superior and Training Coordinator is passed down to us.

my team member is that someone stupid (i think i shall name her India), the one that i used to stay with in the company hostel (lets name her Nutella), and a new girl who just came in for less than a month (imma call her Morgana).

oh. and the Training Coordinator is under probation to be the Direct Superior's Assistant (so lets name her DSA). *clap clap clap*

im targeting to develop Morgana to become another Allysa.

as for Nutella, i will slowly but forcefully ask her to take up more challenge.



i kinda have been whining to DSA because i have India in my team. but she said that India will only behave herself when she is with me.

yes; i get this a lot. 

people said that she came directly from hell. but when she is with me - im not telling you she came from heaven - everything is all good.

should i let things be? or should i crush her once so that she will be good with everyone; not just me.

or should i ask Allysa's help to crush her?

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