August 17, 2014

Eid 2014

this year's Eid my family and i went to Temerloh, Pahang; which if you go further the highway then you will reach Jabor exit, which leads to Kerteh, Terengganu which i always went for a first aid training for this particular oil company.

the journey from my home in Putrajaya has made me realized that i put my work and career more than my family; that i only know how to head to the East Peninsular Malaysia from my office in Puchong, Selangor.

i was on leave for 9 days - from July 26 to Aug 3.

oh yes, it was my birthday on July 26 (Saturday) so Allysa, Nutella & The Equipment Manager decided for a celebration earlier.

many thanks~

they made my days before Eid.

during Eid, i didnt talk much to my relatives. im a very quiet person, i know. except for if im with my real friends; or my real family who has become to accept me for who i really am.

Happy Belated Eid to all Muslims and happy holidays to those who are not celebrating Eid; where applicable.

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