May 18, 2010

30 hours of no sleep

the time now is 11.30pm, May 18, 2010. for d 2nd time, i've been awake for 30 hours straight. las time ak x tdo 30 jam is sem bler tah b4 intern. it was not really d effect of caffeine. pg td dkt2 kul 5 tu ngantuk gak sbnr nye. tp xnk tdo sbb x sbr nk jwb pekse.

everything started when ak mula tido lmbt at about 3-4am & wake up in d morning just b4 7, tido balik & bgn blik kul 11 for a few days bcos of FYP Oral Presentation (May 13, 2010). then trus la habit tu smpi paper AE (May 17, 2010) which ak tdo kul 230am - 630am. abes paper ak tdo kul 230pm - 530pm.

mlm blaja EIS sbb paper pg td (May 18, 2010) smpi kul 5am. golek2 ats katil, tgk Shutter Island ckit, review ckit, jwb peksa ckit (*carut* betul. beria ak hafal six sigma, yg kuar nye sekentut je soklan mcq yg da tau jwpn), lunch byk, smbg tgk shutter ckit, baca komik online kt GEMPAK STARZ ckit, bla bla bla da kul 530pm. dinner ckit, main facebook ckit, da kul 1030pm.

igt pas diner td nk tdo. laptop ak yg dok diam2 ats katil dri tghari td dgn sexy nye telah menggoda ak utk tekan2 beliau. ak pun tekan2 main fb sambil tgk Detectives in 40 Minutes.

baju selambak x basuh. sape nk tlg basuh kn baju ak???? esok ah basuh.

project planning (effect EIS masih ada dlm palotak) utk esok:
1. bgn lmbt [klu ak masih bole bertahan smpi jam ke-39 (gilo apo?)]
2. jumpa dr mokhtar
3. basuh baju
4. btul kn report FYP
5. blaja OM (paper on May 22, 2010) - mcm ye je~

xbes perasaan x tdo ni sbnr nye. siyes exhausted giler. ak igt td pas paper EIS ak da solar flat plate ats katil. rupe nye ak smbg tgk muvi & baca komik (sejak b4 presentation lg ak x baca komik, tlg la bri kn ak peluang). 1 more thing, please put the blame on Leonardo DiCaprio yg psycho tu. sila la tgk citer shutter. bg ak bes la. psycho cm Esther (Orphan).

tlg la tido!

ok~ gudnite~

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bes pulak citer detective ni. biler nk tido ni?

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