January 11, 2012

Why Adam? Why???

D#1: i put your phone number depan sekali. siap highlight lagi. lucky draw akan menang one on one dinner dengan you.

aku: heh? dinner ah?

D#1: ey betul la. kat radio pun ada this kind of competition which the winner got to go dinner with Dato' Siti. you mau?

aku: tak mau.

D#1: then... dinner with David Beckham. how?

aku: tak mau.

D#1: then you mau dinner dengan sapa?

aku: i mau Adam Lambert.

D#1: ha~ Adam Lambert pun boleh juga~ tapi masalah nye ialah dia tak mau you~!

Why Adam? Why???

*pic(s) and vid(s) credit to the power of the internet

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