January 06, 2012

Wounded Moose As A Friend

while driving out for lunch yesterday...

aku: gyaaaahhh~~~ waaahhhh~

them: ...

aku: excuse me. ehem. mau makan mana? 

them: mana-mana lo...

aku: pizza hut can ah?

co-pilot seat: can lo...

behind seat: ...

aku: ... pizza hut ok?

behind seat: ...

aku: oooiiii~ dua orang yang belakang tu~

behind seat 1: ok saja~!!!

behind seat 2: diam tanda setuju ma~

while driving back after lunch.

aku: gyaaaahhh~~~ waaahhhh~ ... excuse me.

co-pilot seat: tak apa. kita orang faham.


try to scream like a wounded moose,

shout out bad words

or act retarded in front of some of your friends.

how they react will tell you how much of a friend you are to them.

sometimes some of your friends have two faces.

*pic(s) and vid(s) credit to the power of the internet.

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