March 05, 2012


late yesterday morning...

*knock knock knock*

me: *le parents & lil bro#2 is home! run to open door~!*

*le hijab woman appears on my door* 

Hijab Woman: Assalamualaikum dik (dik = little brother/sister).
me: Waalaikumsalam.

HW: i came from an orphanage. we are requesting for donations. buy a book from us, and the money you paid will go to the orphanage fund.
me: no. it is ok.

HW: have a look, at least. we really want to have sincere donations from you. have a look.
me: no. it is ok. *le me wants to close door but it would be rude*

HW: have a look at this ones. sincere donations.
me: if i give you money and i am not sincere, how would it be?

HW: *shocked* 

*HW walks away*



what am i trying to convey is, my lady, you emphasized on your ideology on 'sincere donations'. but you 'forced' me to have a look at your stuffs and 'forced' me to buy one; whilst i have already said 

in the first place. i am not going to be rude by slamming the door on your pity face. 

well do you know that no dont mean yes, it means no. why the fuck are you so stupid to understand?

when my parents come home later today afternoon, they did mention about a hijab woman, i described how she looks, which they recognize her: 

1. being at 2012 Putrajaya Book Fest, collecting 'sincere donations'.
2. sitting at Tuanku Mizan Mosque, collecting 'sincere donations'.
3. being at 2011 WOW Putrajaya Carnival, collecting 'sincere donations'.




*pic(s) & vid(s) credit to the power of the internet.

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