March 10, 2012

It Is Saturday. Whattaya Expect?


5 days passed since my last entry. no no no~ i didnt decide to take up the challenge. i was just busy.

what are the things that keep me off my blog?


what was it again?

i think it has something to do about my first big event.


that even which i..


damn i am stressed.

lucky it is my off day today.

so i do take my time.

woke up late.

go out shopping with my mom.

have you ever gone out shopping with your mom; and you are the one driving?

by the way we got home safely, ate our take-away-nasi-lemak for breakfast and start making some curry puffs and fried noodle for lunch.

i didnt take my lunch because i was still not hungry by then.

replied some sms & emails.

checked my facebook & my facebook page.

played some games.

watching a movie.

ok, now i am hungry.

but before that...

one of my FB friend's status reminds me of a song.


Bila Di Sekolah Dulu (When I was Still in School)

when i was still in school
i like to make the teachers mad at me
because i was so stubborn
this is the story that i remember

starting at 7.20am
the first bell will ring
we have to stand still
waiting for another bell to ring

after that we go for assembly
where bad kids got whipped
then we stood up and sing
the school anthem but it was in off key

firstly it was Physical Ed
at that time we are all so the happy
why didnt the other class go like this?
we just run down the field for the whole day

it is bad for me that my class is after PE
i am going to die of how they smelled
didnt their parents teach them to shower?
each and every one of them smelled like pig

when i was still in school
i like to make the teachers mad at me
because i was so stubborn
this is the story that i remember

note: babi means pig in Malay


'ba alif ba ya' are jawi alphabets spelled and read as 'babi'


*pic(s) & vid(s) credit to the power of the internet.

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