April 25, 2013


"there are people who sometimes already pass their limits but they seldom notice them and still keep on going; which also means people actually have no limit if they are willing to go beyond what they have done before"

is what i wrote for a particular module i am planning. sometines, what is written by certain writers, journalists or authors does not be necessarily true. i sometimes set my own limits; both consciously and unconsciously. sometimes i dont do things not because that i cant; i dont simply because i dont want to. sometimes i would just go with the flow. sometimes i act stubborn. i should write a book of lies. and showing off too much strength, confidence and courage doesnt do me any good either. id rather be weak and fragile for some time. but i dont want to be stupid. yes, i really should write a book.

by the way, is there any chances that all those beautiful quotes arent necessarily true to those who said them?

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