April 01, 2013

Train The Trainer PSMB GMI ~ Day 1

day 1 is all about TNA, DACUM, etc...

i dont know is it me who is not ready to go for the course, or is it the trainer who dont know how to train people.

dayummmm... f-ing boring...

i dont know how should i describe how bored i am, that all the time i was only texting my colleague whining to each other about how bored we are.

it is totally out of expectation coming from a trainer who claimed to have been in the training line for about 19 years.

the trainer read out the slides loud and we just follow instructions.

she did have the intention to generate participation from us the audience, but she seemed like she doesnt know how to properly do it.

she taught us how to do things right being a trainer to adapt to certain type of learners; but she herself didnt practice what she preached.

id rather have myself out in the sun listening to our very own master trainer whom had exemption from taking TTT nagging about how to put out small fire using fire extinguisher effectively; than having myself sit in that air conditioned room listening to that trainer.

her voice is so low that if i were to record them & play it when i want to go to sleep, it would me another series of sleep hypnotherapy for me.

so today, in the scale of 1 - 10, 1 for being the worst & 10 for being the best, id give her 0.

can we change the trainer please?

i dont know how am i going to face the other coming 4 days of this training with that trainer.

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