May 27, 2013

一人 隠れん坊 ~ Part 3

how to play?

i did mention that i need a new doll.

other things that you need:

- rice
- your fingernail clippings
- needle
- long red thread
- sharp objects eg knife, cleaver, machete, or even your sharpened pencil
- a cup of salt water or sake (Japanese rice wine)
- bath tub, or you can use wash basin, pail, etc...
- place for you to hide eg closet
- optional: a will. you might die or disappear.

what do you need to do:

name your doll, cut it open and remove its stuffing. put in rice and your fingernail clippings inside the doll and sew it up using the needle and red thread. wrap the excess thread around the doll.

fill your bath tub with water. at 3am, hold the doll with both hands and say "for the first game, i (your name here), am it." say it loud 3 times and put the doll in the bath tub.

walk around your house and shut off all lights as you go. keep your tv on, tuned in static or blue screen. close your eyes and count to 10. get your sharp object, go to your doll and loudly say "i found (your doll's name here)." 

stab the doll and you have win this round.

next, say "for the next game (your doll's name here) is it." and leave the doll in the water with the sharp object still impaled on it. quickly get out of the room and quietly hide yourself together with your cup of salt water.

stay where you are as long as you can or until sunrise.

how to end the game:

put in as much salt water in your mouth and hold them in. look for your doll and once you find it, spit the salt water all over the doll and say loudly "i win" 3 times.

burn the doll. just in case.


follow the rules.
do notify others if you are playing and there are somebody else in the house. you can play together.
make sure there are no one in the house if you want to play alone.




currently in Bangi and looking at my calendar for the perfect time.

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