June 12, 2013

Too Many Lanugage ~ 4

my colleague get to teach people from Saudi Arabia last few weeks.

he told me he learned two Arabic words:

'kalas' which means 'done';

and 'la' which means 'no'.

i am not sure if is it correct.

i taught a petroleum company once,

and in their group, there were 1 person from egypt.

and 2 persons from Pakistan.

so actually, i do learn some Pakistani.

based on DRCAB,

English - Bahasa Melayu - Pakistani

Danger - Bahaya - Khatara

Response - Tindak Balas - Pratikriya

Chest Compression - Tekanan Dada/ Pam - Dabava

Airway - Saluran Pernafasan/ Nafas - Sans

Breathing - Hembusan/ Cium - Chumi


but that is not all of it.

my ex colleague posted this on her FB timeline:

oh, God why?

5 different languages in one class?

i'd kill myself if i were to encounter this.

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