October 31, 2013

Raising: A... Never Mind

Raising: Excuses Excuses

yes, i know. i also had the feeling to punch that pink haired on the face.

remember i had a meeting about our trip to Korea last time? the meeting was actually held in the morning soon as our office hour starts at 8.30am, the first day i came to work after Eid.

so i sent her a text asking her to be prepared for mock presentations for all topics; but i get no reply. when i came back to office (the meeting was held elsewhere), i didnt immediately go to her because i was expecting that she would come to me; even though i do not expect much.

later after lunch she came to me saying: "Gun, i want to talk to you about something."

i knew what she was going to talk about just by looking at her face. so i asked: "whats wrong? you want to resign?"

she was shocked.

like... totally shocked; and asked: "how did you know?"

it is impossible that i tell her i just knew, to i said: "everyone in this room (sales department) wants to resign. believe me, just ask the sales manager and the sales executive."

so this girl, planned to submit her resignation letter to our boss at the end of this month. soon as i said ok, she left and i left my place to my training coordinator's desk.

while munching on Training Coordinator's cookies, she asked me: "Gun, should i include your 'kid' in the list of trainers we are going to submit to this company in Kerteh?"

i said: "i dont think so. what for by the way. she is going to resign. maybe you can talk to our boss first. i will come with you if you want."

the next day, our boss called me to her office and asked me about this girl. i told her what the girl told me; plus the reason why she want to leave; and how i felt that there is no use of her here anymore.

our boss told me not to be upset. she already asked the girl to submit her resignation letter on the day itself.

so on friday, 16th august 2013, another girl who cant stand to keep up with us left.


well actually, i knew that she was not going to be long here when i heard that she was getting married on september; and there is another reason that i knew.

remember i had that one week which i felt like hell? actually before we depart to terengganu on 1st july, we went to assist a doctor for a talk at KLCC. so each of us get a door gift which includes a goody bag, a notebook, and a stationary stand.

a few days later when we are back from kerteh, i came to meet her to ask her to do something for her presentation. then i saw it.

on the very notebook that we received on 1st july, she wrote various of HR contacts. so i knew she was going to leave earlier that she expected me to know.

she told me that the reason she left was because she wanted to follow her future husband to kuantan, pahang. but i am not sure if she was telling me the truth.

because i heard a lot from out training coordinator and her assistant that she told lies a lot of time.

for example, one day she wanted to follow the training coordinator's assistant to the post office nearby to post her wedding card invitation. but the assistant told us that she actually posted a resume to some other company.

never mind.

by the way, on that very friday she told me that she is going to come to office to return to us the company tshirt and jacket; and to bring us nasi lemak for breakfast on the upcoming monday.

by that time, i think, that very friday is the very last day that i saw her.

but she came yesterday; which i didnt know for what purpose.

she told the Training Coordinator that she already had a job; here in KL.

the end of the Raising series.

now that i have come back to work, i was told in advance that i have another 3 to raise.

which is so far so good for these 3-4 days.

good luck to me.

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