April 12, 2014

The Too-Ridiculous Shaman

Korean media reported, "Malaysia consult a shaman to find MH370." 

News from Malaysian students in Egypt.

"Whether in kuliyyah (class), talaqqi [learning Islamic lesson in a halaqah (small group)] and in Azhar Mosque people laughed at us when talking about MH370 magic. They called us Sihrun Thoirun (i dunno what this means).

Just now (I went) to Tahrir (some kind of immigration office i think) to get my VISA stamped. When he/she (the officer at Tahrir i think) asked for passport, he/she laughed at Malaysian kids (students). He/She said that we are good at magic and spells.

Nasi sudah menjadi bubur (is a Malay idiom which means there is nothing that you can do to undo things that are done; literally means the rice became porridge). The country's dignity and Muslims in Malaysia are undersold.


0:39 di atas udara ada alam. alam ghaib ni masa saya naik kapal terbang daripada Kuala Lumpur ke Kota Kinabalu sesinggah Tawau, pihak-pihak pramugara !@#$%^&* pakai tali pinggang. ada satu lembaga hitam lalu kot atas. hari itu masa saya naik kapal terbang masa itu. lepas tu saya pakai tali pinggang, dia lepas lebih kurang dalam 200 kaki, kapal terbang tu melayang. rupa satu lembaga hitam lalu kot atas; hitam. saya tanya siapa; dia kata burung Garuda, Datuk. saya pun terkejut. !@#$%^&* beg bergoyang !@#$%^&*. saya percaya takut terlibat golongan-golongan itu; manalah tau. 1:26

there is another world in the skies. the supernatural world; by the time i was in an airplane from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Kinabalu passed by Tawau, the cabin crews !@#$%^&* (i dont really get what he is trying to say) wear seat belts. there was a black thing passing by (at the top of the airplane). that day when i was in the airplane that time. then i fasten my seat belt, the airplane dropped for about 200 feet. there was a black thing passed by above (us); black. i asked who (are you?); it said (i am) Garuda Bird, Datuk (or Dato'. i am not sure and i dont care. for more info click here). i was shocked !@#$%^&* the bags swayed !@#$%^&*. i  fear that this (MH370 case) involves the (supernatural) beings; who knows.

i cant bring myself to finish the video. it is not that i do not believe in supernatural. but...



and you claim yourself as a Muslim?


oh yeah, i did wrote that i love to read good books. but i havent write about a book i bought on my way back from Seoul, right? i finished the book last year. well the title is Life In The Skies by Captain Lim Khoy Hing; and i get to know what 'air pocket' is through this book. 

the shaman's gesture in the video shows 'air pocket'.

even what he says -- the airplane dropped for about 200 feet -- describes 'air pocket'.

who would you think i believe in more? the shaman or Capt. Lim?

sad. but we Malaysians (Muslim or not; who are still sane and only believe in God; not matter of what religion) also disagree with the shaman. some even created parodies. for example: 

by the way, (they didnt say anything though, but still) it feels kind of embarrassing that i had to teach some Japanese about CPR and AED last Friday; just because i am Malaysian.

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