March 17, 2010

d lyrics, d vocals, & d music

i hav a reason to admire a band: d lyrics, d vocals, & d music

d first time i ever heard of Hyde's voice is when i was watching るろうに剣心.

it was 8 or 9 years ago on NTV7. the anime had The Fourth Avenue Cafe as its ending theme. at dat time, i thought, "dis man has such a beautiful voice". starting from dat, without knowing how they look like, i had been admiring L'Arc~en~Ciel. i never thought of searching for their info or pictures in d net. just admiring them without any hesitation.


later in d year 2006/07, i started to download more of L'Arc~en~Ciel songs; n i googled them. Hyde is indeed beautiful. then i encoutered a song from the GazettE entitled Cassis. at dat time, i thought, "its such a sad song." starting from dat, knowing dat they are from d Visual Kei genre, i had been admiring them n started to download more of their songs.

the GazettE

then i found out about Kaggra, by listening to their beautiful sound of koto in the song うたかた.


n i found アリス九號, another beautiful voice.

Alice Nine

n one of my friend introduced me to 東方神起. n i discovered FT Island n 슈퍼주니어.

Dong Bang Shin Ki

FT Island

then i get to know Nakashima Mika, Tsuchiya Anna, n Ito Yuna via NANA. n i accidently downloaded Pierrot n immediately became a fan of Kamiki Aya. i watch 地獄少女 三鼎 n like d song 月華 by Kitade Nana. then there is Meet Uncle Hussain... err Azlan and The Typewriter?? err.. ah~ whatever. with Pari-pari Bawah Angin n Lagu Untukmu...

all with beautiful lyrics, vocals n music.

as beautiful as flowers

何気ないことも愛しく思うのは, 君という名の花がこの胸に咲いたから
"the simplest things become important to me, because a flower known as you has bloomed in my heart"

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