March 20, 2010

should i just let myself let the past stays in the past?

akhirnye tiba juga ak d utp ni. benci btul. sigh~ mid sem break d abis kn dgn:

1. main dgn adik

hahaha. ak blik umah antara agenda utama ialah ajak adik ak bermain. ramai org tnya "adik ko umo bape?" adik ak da form 1 la. nape, korg igt adik ak bru 2-3 thn ke? kitorg main Bionicle. adik ak ada byk menatang tu kt umah, buat personal collection.

bapak ak pnh dtg skali kt utp dgn driver dia. time tu dorg ondway nk blik umah ak kt joho. bapak ak ada offer nk ajak blik, then he changed his mind n said,"xyah la balik. kamu dok sini blaja. nnt kt umah kamu main dgn adik, bkn nye nk ajak adik blaja."

kinda childish; but hey, u guys should try berangan about peperangan robot. best siot~

2. update lagu

donlod mp3 n music video bru from L'Arc~en~Ciel, FT Island, CN Blue, Adam Lambert (lagu GHEY TEGAR BHAKK). n i cant seem to get dat damn gay Lambert's song out of my head.

*singing* there he goes, my baby walks so slow. sexual tic-tac-toe, yeah i know we both know... lalala~ fever fever~

3. fyp progress report II

hah. cm bodo je report ak. konon mangat nk buat report time mid sem break, tp hasil x seberapa pun. tch~

4. main internet

facebook, cafe world la. apa lg. update status ckit2. then al of d suden teringat kt kwn lama time kt Kuala Lipis, Raihan. mak dia cikgu. ktorg rapat start year 3. Raihan, Aisyah, Anis n me. klu x silap la. 13 years hav past. i wonder y did i sudenly hav her in my mind dat night. hehe. im not gona tell u how i did it, but i found her. n im sure she's her.


actually, dis entry is about d ppl i used to know.

las semester my family n i went to Temerloh. we used to live there. we ate at Restoran Amalina (or is it Amanina? im not sure). my friend's parents own d restaurant. my friend Farhana from SK Tg Lalang, Temerloh. both of us were born in 1988. she was there. i saw her. i told my parents. they want me to greet her. but i didnt.

then d nex few days we ate at gerai tepi jalan, stil in Temerloh. n i saw a lady. alone. wearing choc baju kurung. i think. haha. she ordered rojak (kot. memandai je). yes. i knew her. she's the principal of my middle school. i was a friend of her daughter who is a year younger than me. she gave me a lift to Genting with her daughter n my other friend Mariana. we n my other friend Syahida ate at Restoran Amalina. she caned me & my classmates' hands because we were being noisy in class. she hugged me because i scored straight A's in PMR. she is very kind n very motherly. i told my parents. they want me to greet her. but i didnt.

7 march 2010. its Adi's birthday. i just know recently dat he has a facebook account. something happened btwn us. i didnt wish him. we havent been in contact for 3-4 years.

also, my friends from ITem. i know i can get in touch with them if i want to. especially Aweng. but i just kinda dont. i dont know. sigh~ i have Fazo as a friend on facebook. n i rarely get in touch with him.

my friend from SK Clifford, Raihan. i somehow managed to find her. she replied asking who m i. n i also found her facebook.

PERHATIAN: ak bukan stalker, ok.

i m actually not a kind of person who will aproach ppl, even if we used to be friends, or we are stil friends but we just didnt see or talk to each other. i let d past stays in d past. for me its enough just to watch them from afar n to know dat they're ok.

should i reply Raihan back?


  1. yup....

    kene la reply die...

    tak elok memutuskan ikatan persahabatan yg pernah wujud satu ketika dulu...

  2. replied..

    berat hati tp..

