January 28, 2011

Masked Rider

when i first knew him for who he really is, my first thought that popped in my mind: "waaaah~~ so cool~ i wanna be like him!"

when i first heard about her success, my first thought that popped in my mind: "waaaah~ i oso wanna be like her lah!"

now, i feel like im growing up little by little, but still i am far behind, crawling and in their shadows; while they are running fast on their own two feet, tough and firm in front of me.


today, suddenly i thought of how many days hav i been a rider?

how many people have i talk to?

how many more to come here?

how can i achieve what's on my table top?

damn, things are a bit slow nowadays. how to buy even a 2nd hand pwc? before pwc must have a car first! ponteng class larrr students-students!! datang SINI main together-gether!!

"later when all of you finish playing everything, i will bring you behind me. dont worry, i wont make you fall if you dont want to."

JA. girls hug me like crazy till i cant breathe. guys pull me like they wanna kill me. i dont wanna fall with you. so i wont make you fall. if you wanna fall, kindly please hold the thing behind you. then only i will make you fall.


how dark i am! hahah! should i wear a mask? my skin is drying up and getting darker and the only solution is to put aloe vera gel. nvm, later i make a lot of money and make plastic surgery like late micheal jackson. XD

yes, i am growing up with kind of a steady pace here. at least from nothing to a lil bit of something.

huargh~ sangat mengantuk. everything finish already. lets go home. AISH~!! go home oso still have to think wanna eat 1st or sleep 1st. if eat 1st, have to wait 2 hours
then can sleep. if sleep 1st have to wait until 6.30 nex morning to eat. <---- its a stupid dilemma. i know. but if you want to busybody, dont busybody here. you go busybody HERE.

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