August 17, 2011

Raya Sale Stupidness

or is it stupidity? whatevah~

woken up by my mom early in the morning because she wanted me to bring her to Raya Sales @ PICC. then we went to Alamanda. then we went pick up Tuan Muda at his school. then we went to the market to buy the ingredients for today's buka puasa. then here i am. still annoyed with the !@#$%^&*()ness of the Raya Sales.

1. all handbags must be sealed. luckily i never bring any. just a wallet, car key & 2 cellphones. ada apa barang yang betul2 bagus untuk di seludup masuk dalam handbag ke?

sian akak ni. handbag da chantek tapi kene cover dgn plastic bodo tu

2. barang2 available are totally not impressive at all. yeah right. tell me to go somewhere else with all the impressive barang2 & impressive price. i will say "wak'ever mung! natang!"

3. ppl there are just like pigs. jalan tak tengok orang. langgar2 je. when its time to queue, some ppl try to cut the Q

4. office ppl come to shop with their formal attire & their name tag on. WTH?

5. the wat-was-it-called-again?-the-ones-in-the-dark-green-uniform totally annoys me. yes, i am not rich. but i am not a kind of person who will steal & i can afford to buy the perfumes the retailers are selling. well if i cant, then maybe its bcos i have a job like you do now. =='

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