September 14, 2011

Too Cute (>.<)

for ppl who really know me, they would understand that it is really hard for me to say someone is cute, beautiful or handsome.

i havent define my category of cute & handsome yet. but my definition of beautiful is nicole scherzinger. bukan KFC la bodoh!

nicole SCHERzinger

zinger. only.

yesterday someone called me saying that her company want to feature my company at her company website with certain percentage of bla bla bla. so i said, okay, when are you free for us to meet up?


yes today is quite a boring, cold day. as usual, follow up, reply email, answering phone, planning here & there, lunch & here goes.

i opened the door leading to my office for a young, beautiful, hot, sexy, gorgeous business consultant. i was stunned. i let her in & i cant stop my (>.<) expression as i climbed the stairs behind her to the meeting room.

image from:

sigh~ i planned well of what i want to say; & i wanted to say a lot based on my previous experience of this "featuring" thingy but i ended up quite god-damn-it speechless. she talked in her sweetest business consultant way of talking (so cute!) & god-damn-it i couldnt talk back & ended up saying, okay, i will propose this to the higher mgmt. (T~T)

please excuse me for my what-is-it-called-again english. i cant think straight after her presentation but.. urgh.. this is insane. yes, i tried to borak2 with my other colleague & to get myself busy into my tasks. but really..

ok, i admit i have a way of stalking ppl & just this evening i found out she already have a boyfriend. i am not a lesbian.. but.. yeah, call me a freak whatever but that is just too cute that i cant resist. dang right i admit i'm weak against cuties. to all cuties out there, pls dont use your cuteness to deal with me. i need to concentrate on work & to stand firm on behalf of my company. thanks in advance.


but still. her cuteness is not cute enough to be my definition on cute. *smirk* oh wait. OMG. tomorrow i got another kind of this "featuring" bla bla bla meeting.




please dont send cute people to me!

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