October 18, 2011

Cardio Pulmonary Re-susah-mau-sebut

dang yesterday rush pergi Jantzen, they are also closed for renovation. kanasai.


attended a BOFA & CPR training today. seriously if i didnt decide to leave last year december, will i be the one training ppl? *daydream & flashback* oh God, i miss those days. :')

it all went well today. what can i do now is just to smile; as i can guess what will happen next & i know most of the answers to all the questions given.

some of the ppl in the training room said,"gun da baca nota~".

honestly, yes, i have read the notes. but that was last year within november & early december my dear. aduh sakitnya, kenangan lama mengusik hati. hahah! gedik tak?

& yes, previously i have also 'attended' the training while i was still a management trainee. i wonder why i still remember most of the isi kandungan of the training. shouldnt all the knowledge now gone with the wind or gone swimming in the lake? haha~ kepala hotak saya hebat kan?

sigh~ my heart sunk~

& i ended up kerja all night & tade masa dengan family..

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