December 07, 2011

Cameron Highland: Day 2 & 3

are you willing to work sixteen hours a day? 
rich people are. 

are you willing to work seven days a week and five up most of your weekends? 
rich people are. 

are you willing to sacrifice seeing your family, your friends, and give up your recreations and hobbies? 
rich people are. 

are you willing to risk all your time, energy and start-up capital with no guarantee of returns? 
rich people are.

- quoted. T. Harv Eker


aku da sampai putrajaya. baru lepas mengamuk kat 1300881221 sebab lappy aku tabole detect aku nye unifi walaupun jarak aku dengan modem adalah lebih kurang 40cm. cilake unifi nih. suka makan duit customer.

how was my vacation? i dont really remember a thing. truthfully aku tak bape enjoy my family vacation to Cameron. sebab aku terlalu banyak berfikir dan rasa sangat-sangat terganggu. kadang-kadang aku rasa tanak hidup. tapi tanak bunuh diri. rasa cam nak lari jauh-jauh dari malaysia ni. build a new life with a new identity.

tapi tau je la kan, aku mana ada duit dan aku mana reti nak tuka-tuka identity. kalau setakat pakai topeng Doreamon aku reti la. passport aku pun mak aku yang pegang. cane la aku nak pegi Korea next year. hahahah~

by the way apa yang aku fikirkan? heheh.. hmmm.. perkara yang t harv eker quote di atas dan perkara yang aku quote di bawah:

will i be happy if i were to be rich in the future? 
i dont know. 

will the time supposed to be spent with family and friends can ever be replaced? 
i dont know. 

am i mentally and physically strong enough to face it all? 
i dont know. 

most importantly, did i just jump too far that i cant reach the end of the other side and ended up falling into deep shit?

- Gun


or maybe it is just that i miss you too much while i was there. dang kalau betul la ini sebenarnye ialah sakit rindu, memang soompah sakit giler... baru aku tau...

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