December 10, 2011


you've changed.

that is what i thought when i stalked your facebook page just now.

its been quite a long time since we didnt talk or chat or SMS each other despite the fact that we add each other on facebook. you add i ke i yang add you ah? sebab i memang sombong giler tamo add others. others je yang tergedik-gedik add i. pfft. unless if others tu yang request i add dorang.

apsal aku pakai i-u ni? gedik nye.

yes, you've changed.

sejak bila u pandai guna aku-engkau, while dulu-dulu u selalu guna saya-awak with everyone.

tapi kan, sebenar nye tu je perubahan yang i nampak kat facebook u. yang lain-lain eg photos, status, info tetap sama macam yang i kenal u dulu.

but hey, kalau u stalk i, agak-agak i berubah tak?

bagi uollzss Change sikit


fyi my dear, i am still me. dulu-dulu time i belajar kat institusi pengajian tinggi, i suke tiru kawan-kawan i punya assignment; or i curik senior punya assignment kat lecturer punya office untuk digunakan di semester yang seterusnya. luckily soalan assignment memang sebijik tetiap sem. selain tu i juga menggugel, mengwiki, dan lain-lain meng lagilah.. semata-mata untuk siapkan assignment.

selain tiru assignment, i juga suka meniru time exam. bawak toyol kertas, tulis atas calculator, et cetera. paling best sekali ialah everytime abes satu paper exam tu mesti sakit mata. sebab concentrate meniru dari toyol atau dari paper orang sebelah. itu pun nasib kalau orang sebelah tu nak bagi tiru. kalau tak... nangok la sorang-sorang kat situ.

well, last thursday i was assigned to create a draft of 'About Us'. i went through all the previous vouchers, brochures and planning and 'created' what was asked; and ended up in the meeting this morning D#1 said "gun came out with the idea bla bla bla."

but i was being good and admit that

i was also assigned to develop Emergency Manual nak kena submit besok pagi. cam bese, kopipes je la~ edit sikit-sikit je. jangan bagi nampak cam bulat-bulat kopipes. bak kata SB "you hantam saja lah~ or just look inside the PWIA if you can find something."


i am still me.

ok dah. sambung keje. kalau tak siap besok pagi tak ke mampos aku?

*pic(s) credit to google.

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