December 28, 2011

To Those Who Cares

ada kaitan dengan Will You Be There For Me?


aku: sorry i lambat. tadi i kena kacau ooo. dekat upm punya jalan. kereta tu tak bagi i jalan. i pegi kiri dia pegi kiri. i pegi kanan dia pun pegi kanan.

C#1: kereta apa?

aku: iswara aeroback. hitam and semua cermin dia hitam.

C#1: kenapa you tak call i? i boleh panggil orang datang hantam dia.


C#3: you punya kereta mana?

aku: kat belakang.

C#3: you parking dekat hyundai sana?

aku: ya lo... i sampai sini tadi kat depan semua parking tak ada.

C#3: ok jom i jalan dengan you sampai you masuk kereta.

aku: i boleh jalan sendiri mah~

C#3: mana boleh... nanti kalau ada orang kacau you macam mana?


aku: can you come and get me?

SB: ok, will come in a while. no big deal, don't worry.


i would like you to know that i trust you more than i trust my biological brothers and i believe that i can always hide in your shadow when i am in trouble and you will always stand up for me. so to those who cares...

*pic(s) and vid(s) credit to the power of the internet.

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