January 01, 2012


Happy 2012.



i sent sms and FB message to those whom i am close to.

that is it.

today i am going to write about certain individuals whom appear in my life

which i do not quite understand what do they really want from me.

sometimes i feel...




tell me it is okay for you to unconditionally like someone you have only met once in a while?

"saya cuma suka kamu saja".

WTF? oh, please~ you dont know me. dont simply say that you like me.

and you have no idea who i really am.

sometimes i just ignore them.

but still they will come to me

and some other would have try to get my attention by dancing nobody nobody

and i dont know how to react to that kind of act and i ended up with an awkward laugh

and/or a facepalm

or trying to get my attention by standing on my right and put your left arm on my left shoulder;

vice versa;

or put your both arms around my waist;

or standing behind me and put your both arm around my neck.

and i dont know how to react to that kind of act and i ended up ignoring !@#$%^&*()...


so guys, if you dance nobody nobody in front of me and you get an awkward laugh or a facepalm;

and girls, if you get ignored when you hug me or if i didnt hug you back;

it means that you are far beyond my friend zone.

and only my friends can call me by my nicknames.


uhuu~ ada dekat youtube sudah..

yang kuar tv3 aritu~


nak pergi lagi~

*pic(s) and vid(s) credit to the power of the internet.

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