December 31, 2011

i dont want to listen to your problems. i got a lot of problems already. 

please tell me what are the solutions. what for i hire you if i am the one to think of all the solutions?  

i dont care how you are going to do it. get it done. 

you are very smart oh~

that is a very good question! 

cincai la~ just give la~

this will make you busy; but this will also make you very excited.

who knows there might me some really stupid people dont know where this place is? 

because whatever i told you to do, you just do. that is why. 

later on when you directly report to me, you will know how hard it is to work with me. 

i am your boss. i will stand with you no matter what. 

i hope that you can bear with the situation that we are having now; and also bare with me. i need some time.

just continue to do whatever you are doing now. the later part we talk now but that will still be later.

mana ada hantu!!??


in the future if the above sentences come out from me, please bear with me.

may the Dragon Year brings you something meaningful.

urgh~ what is this hurtful feelings?

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