January 27, 2012

Mein Name Ist ~ 2: Gun

hi, my name is *insert my real name here*.

i have friends.

they call me names.

1997 - 1999 - Koya

2000 - 2002 - Ehus, adik (little sister)

2003 - 2004 - Pink Samurai, Kun Kun, hell-lot-of-anime-characters' names

2005 - 2010 - Gun, Gun-Gun, Guna, Gunasegaran, Gunawan, Mohamad, Muhammad, *insert four of my other nicknames that are very much related to my real name here*, V-Kei, Kei, under_construction, ruki, rookie, hyde.

2011 - 2012 - ...

but no one has ever called me Takashi. (dang what am i thinking?)

honestly i dont really remember the expression of any of my friends calling me by my nicknames within 1997 - 2004.

but i really miss my college friends shouting "GUUUUNNNNN~!!!!" out my hostel window when they came back from somewhere.

i miss them shouting "GUUUUNNNNN~!!!!" when they see me at the cafeteria.

i miss them shouting "GUUUUNNNNN~!!!!" when i say or did something bad.

i miss them shouting "GUUUUNNNNN~!!!!" when i act retarded.

i miss them shouting "GUUUUNNNNN~!!!!" 

i miss them...

i miss you, especially...

dont waste your time on me you're already a voice inside my head ~

i miss you, miss you ~ 


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