March 18, 2012

Big Event 2

it has only been 5 days. but i feel like too many things happened. 

i just reached. i am very tired. i hardly even sleep since like a week ago. i slept late & woke up early for a few days. 

on friday i woke up 6am & have been awake until 3pm saturday. 33 hours. 

then i slept for about 3 hours.

and i had nightmares. 

since then until now i havent sleep for about 28 hours.

fuck sleep paralysis.  

and fuck you whom i will screw gao gao tomorrow morning. kanina so stupid dont know simple things like counting from 1 to 40. 

and you whom i didnt consider as one of us: screw you, bitch!




what actually happened?

The Big Event was initially my responsibility to handle. but on the day before i go get the cheque the responsibility was handed over to somebody else. it was not because i cant cope with it. it is because i am *tuuut*. no longer a *beep*.

then... somebody died.


and on the day of the event itself, March 16, i was totally frustrated. 

fuck you! when we asked if everything is ready you would always said that it is ready. but when it comes to the real thing you messed it all up! everything wasnt ready you fucktard!

what the fuck did responsibility and commitment mean to you?

dem... i got too frustrated that i decided to forget what happened. 

because somebody promised me that she will screw that somebody else whom responsibility of the event being handed over to. 

i really hope that she will remember what she promised; because if we were going to have a postmortem later... honestly i really dont have anything to say. i have really forgotten the whole thing.


done is done. i just need to make a follow up for tender payments, budgeting, send invoice etc.

and reports...

and to proceed with the new plans... 


i am tired. 

but i cant sleep. 

mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb

*pic(s) & vid(s) credit to the power of the internet.

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