March 21, 2012

The New Recruit Part 2

Part 1 here.


me: how was your new boy the MT#1?

L#1: so far he is ok. but i dont know what to teach him.

me: heheheh~ easy~ what you need to do is... bla bla bla *giving suggestions on how i was trained to be a trainer & sales exec in training company last time*

L#1: ok~ i will try that.

me: so L#1, you bring him together with you for a training session right? how he is doing? *i am concerned because i am the one to introduce him to the group company*

L#1: hmmm.. i asked him to write what are the points should be taken for a presentation during training. but he said that he is ok not to take any notes. he would just concentrate on what the other trainers said and he would learn from that.

me: well taking notes is a good way to learn.

L#1: ya. besides, he said he know nothing about first aid. so i asked him to memorize the script for presentation but he refused to. he said he will be ok without the script.

me: hahaha.. then can he do a presentation now?

L#1: i dont know. but when i asked him he said that he surely can present every topic perfectly. i want him to do a presentation in front of me later on. are you free to join us to give some comments?

me: hahaha.. we will see how later. 

me: so when are you starting the presentation?

L#1: ok i will call him down. lets go to another room.

me: *follow L#1 to another room after she called MT#1, brought my laptop along because i need to do my own work too.*

L#1: ok, MT#1. you can start your presentation now.

MT#1: bla bla bla *presentation*... now i would like for you to take a partner. one of you should be a victim and another one is a first aider. 

me: *take gauze & bandage and wrap on L#1 leg, on her slacks and whispered to her "i purposely made 2 mistakes" and walk away to get my phone*.

when i came back, L#1 & MT#1 was talking.

L#1: *suddenly turn to me* Gun, last time before you become a presenter, with whom did you practice your presentation?

me: EM#1, and another 2 management trainees by that time. why?

L#1: sigh~ MT#1, you stay here and practice your presentation and i will see you for your presentation within 20 minutes. Gun, lets go. we are done here.

me: *take my laptop and go* hey, what happened?

L#1: he said last time he can present every topic perfectly. but he didnt know what was the mistake that you did for bandaging just now. and his presentation sucks. and he said that he cant do it because you were there. i told him to take note and to memorized the script but he just wouldnt listen! 


*pic(s) & vid(s) credit to the power of the internet.

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