May 02, 2012

People Come & Go

i have never introduced her here. let her be L#3. 


i was enjoying my off day which started on 29 Apr and ended yesterday. 

well maybe not much. 

my phone rang like crazy.



at about 7.00pm 30 Apr when i was in the shower, i heard my phone rang. 

2 times.

it was from My Boss (MB).

i called her back and she told me 3 things. 

about operation dept. 

about stopping a program that was introduced last year.

about pulling me out from what i am now to be someone else and to find new ppl to replace me. because L#3 left.

well right after i was told that there will be new ppl to replace me, i recalled that TB#2 sms-ed me a few days ago asking if there are vacancy within our Family. 

so i told her that TB#2 wanted to apply to be one of us. 


MB right away told me that TB#2 will be going to Training Kampeni. 

i just said "good for him."

well that is what came out of my mouth.




then yesterday i received an sms from L#1

she also left. 

24 hour notice.

i havent reply her. 


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