October 11, 2012

Betul-betul Bodoh Punya Orang

somewhere early 2011

Boss: Gun, if you were going to construct an SOP (Standard of Procedure), you will need to make it clear enough; complete with examples. If you write the SOP without examples, then when there comes betul-betul bodoh punya orang (someone who is really stupid), they will just follow the SOP bulat-bulat (to copy exactly) and ended with messing things up.

Me: Ok.


sigh~ yesterday a junior from a different company with the same boss, exactly copied my quotation (which meant to be sent to MY customer) to sent to her customer.

yes, we are from different company, thus the letterhead & the package offered should be different. i guess she is smart enough to change the letterhead & the package; but she is very stupid not to change the terms & conditions inside the quotation.

and it ended up our boss scold me.

what the F.I.S.H?

well i dont mind if i were to be scolded because some other junior from the same company.

to be scolded because of someone i am not really related to?

come on! it is not me who taught you how to do shit! you asked me for a sample of quotation and so i gave you one.

and you just kept quiet letting me take all the blame?

you are not going to get away from this.


by the way this is the second betul-betul bodoh punya orang i have met within this group.

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