March 20, 2013

Dead Bodies

my dream last night; 

it was far more horrid than the picture above.

i was in a company trip.

all of us were queuing to go to a certain place;

which we need to cross a stream.

there was only remains of a bridge;

and there was no other way to cross.

the stream is black & sticky;

and it is full of dead bodies.

the tour guide said to us

"as a courage test we shall have all of you to immerse yourself in this stream."

one of my colleague in front of me successfully cross over the stream

barely hanging on the tour guide and stepping on the unstable floating bridge debris

without having to pass the courage test

because she was crying out of fear.

when it is my turn,

i was not scared; 

but i am also not willing to have myself to swim among the dead bodies.

i tried to reach to the tour guide's hand.

he grabbed me; not only my hand;

but my jaw as well.

then he threw me in the stream while still holding my jaw with both hands.

i felt lucky that i had the time to hold in my breath.

but still there is some of the sticky & black stream water came in my mouth.

then the tour guide let me go.

i struggled to get my face off the stream; and...

i am awake.


what does this stupid dream mean?

standing amid the dead: the dreamer is surrounded by hypocrites.

lying among the dead: the dreamer will die as a heretic OR will travel and never come back

mixing with or touching the dead: harm will befall the dreamer on the part of thick-skinned and evil persons

positively, a dead body may represent negative aspects of your personality or negative situations that have been successfully confronted.

negatively, a mistake or failure may have spoiled an area of your life.


والله أعلمُ بالـصـواب

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