May 21, 2013

Where Got Ghost? ~ Cerciter 4

one fine evening after dinner with my colleagues one of them is chinese & another one is malay, we talked about ghosts and evil spirits.

my malay colleague would usually greet 'assalamualaikum' once we enter our house, even if there are nobody home. i playfully said: "dont do that. what if something else answers to your greeting?". then we just laugh.

then chinese colleague suddenly said: "before we enter an empty room or house, we would usually knock first."

when i asked why, he said: "just to make sure that if there are something else in the house or room when we are away, they would immediately go out before we enter. so it would be safer that way."


i reached Terengganu yesterday night at about 10pm with another chinese colleague & another malay colleague.

we planned that we shall put down our things first in our rooms and then go to the seminar room to set up our stuff.

my chinese colleague holds the keys to our rooms; then he helped me to open mine. but before he insert the key, he knocked the door. then he looked at me, smile and said: "usually chinese would do this".

i replied: "ya. i know. it is because you want to make whatever other things inside to leave before i enter".

then he said: "hush! shut up and just get in your room!" with a laugh seeming like he is kind of scared when i mentioned what i know.

i slept well last night.

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