June 04, 2013

Yesterday... 2

last night, i dont know what time was it.

i was sleeping and i woke up to see

you were lying down but you had your hand pointing up

and you were murmuring something that i cant understand.

you also seem like you were having difficulties breathing;

like you were suffering a heart attack.

but it doesnt last long.

you went back to sleep afterwards.

- is what my room mate said yesterday night; and she continued:

yes, i listened to what our dear doctor said

in the motivation talk almost every week.

but if something were to happen to you

in this house, when we are alone,

i wouldnt have known what to do.


yesterday night,

i read a headline about the place we went camping last weekend.

is this why am i feeling this way?

feeling disturbed?

feeling the butterflies inside me?

.نعوذ بالله من ذلك

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