July 10, 2013

Waterfalls 4: Chilling Falls & Pertak River

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan to all Muslims~


as promised yesterday,

i actually havent been feeling really well a few days before we went to Kedondong last week.

headache strikes me like hell. 

but still, i cant get myself to lost the chance to go for any outdoor adventure; so...

i just go.

i was stuck in traffic jam for about 3 hours on my way back to Puchong.

my right leg hurts like hell and my head is killing me.

i had high fever the next day (Sunday June 30) and refused to see a doctor.

♫ ♩ fever~ fever~ yeah! ♪ ♬

hush, Adam!

we made a plan that we shall go for a final trip before Ramadhan.

so those of one week things happened, and then there i was: 

sitting in my car at UiTM Shah Alam at about 6.30am, July 7; 

fetching The Firestarter to get to The Cameraman's house; 

without sleeping through the night 

because i had my 1-hour power nap after the so-called team building event. 

we reached The Cameraman's house at about 7.30am and bought Nasi Lemak for lunch. 

two cars departed from KL at about 7.50am;

The Boss, The Boss' Lady and The Cameraman in one car.

The Firestarter and me in my car.

we reached Chilling Falls' gate at about 10am; 

i think. 

Chilling Falls is a Fish Sanctuary. 

you will need to register yourself (RM1 applies) 

and any disposable items (deposit of RM3 applies for each disposable item). 

the hiking is less than 1 hour; 

i think. 


i wasnt in my best condition to focus about the time. 

and you will have to cross streams to get to the falls.

the trek is easy.


the scenery is superb and there are fish every where.

but the water is not as cold as Kedondong; 

and there are just too many people that we didnt get to swim as much as we want.

so we decided to clean ourselves up at Pertak River; 

where we were stranded last time on our way back from Lata Medang.

Pertak River's pool is very deep and there are less people.

i wanted to swim my guts out but i just cant stand it anymore.

i really feel like fainting;

so The Boss' Lady and i cleaned ourselves up and changed.

the other guys wanted to go further down the river and dive;

so we just sat on the stones while they are having fun all by themselves.

*jealousy strikes*

i felt better after sitting under the hot sun 

and managed to drive out to the main road from Pertak River. 

suddenly The Boss called The Firestarter 

and asked if we want to eat cendol.

i just said yes.

i cant have them not to eat cendol because i am on my way of getting my flu back.

and i ordered one;

and started coughing like hell~

wah hah hah! 

my body must have been hating my soul so much.

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