February 22, 2014

Friedrich Nietzsche

Feb 14 - teaching @ Putrajaya
Feb 15 & 16 - teaching @ Ipoh, Perak
Feb 18 & 19 - teaching @ Port Klang
Feb 20 - teaching @ KL
Feb 22 - @ home, Putrajaya
Feb 23 - departing to Kerteh, Terengganu
Feb 24, 25 & 26 - teaching @ Kerteh, Terengganu

i am now at my breaking point. 


i am a chairman of a committee, remember? i feel like resigning and i dont want to be the chairman anymore. i spoke up to my superior but i wasnt allowed to resign. yes, i am strong; but not yet strong enough to bring people up. if i try to bring up someone but they ended up to slowing me down on my climb, i tend to give up on them and go just by my own. 

but if i keep on giving up on people, i will get nowhere.

they are liars, emotional, have too many excuses, irresponsible, stubborn, dependent, clingy, dishonest, not alert, made their own decisions without thinking of the consequences, copycat, wanted to be successfull but have no effort, jealous of others' success, tried their best to make successfull people fall on the ground, too calculative, too competitive that they are competing against irrelevant things, et cetera..

i hate liars, specifically liars who twist stories to cover up their own arses; specifically liars who used my name to cover their own arses; whom didnt want to pick up my call because i guess, she is scared that i will confront her.

who also used other's name to cover up their own arses; but the others arent bold enough to give her a call and talk to her. 

well it is not that we wouldnt see each other anymore.

"im not upset that you lied to me, im upset that from now on i cant believe you." ― Friedrich Nietzsche.

i will murder 'you', 


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