February 12, 2014

Waterfalls 11: Lata Berembun & Lata Bomoh Ali

i was sickly shivering on Feb 9, was too busy on Feb 10, was conducting a training on Feb 11.


on Feb 8, 2014

hiking up

Lata Berembun

hiking down

Lata Bomoh Ali

going back


"well for me, i think that Lata Medang was far more adventurous," i said to The Firestarter.

but then he said that maybe, just maybe at that time i didnt have enough stamina; and that i was not wearing the right shoes; and that we brought more load and we cooked there.

just like last time when we went camping at Lata Hammer for the 2nd time;

i knew what should i wear, what should i bring, where should i step on, who should i look after, et cetera.

people grow through experiences.

i grew through experiences.


photos credit to The Cameraman.

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