August 06, 2010

happy belated teachers day~ Part 1: My Teachers

respect your teachers because they taught you meth math, religion, language, et cetera.

but sometimes, when we already have our respect for them, they look down on us and didnt even want to hear our opinion. it seems like they are saying: "what do you KIDS know?"

& they think that they were always right in everything.

& there are types of teachers who doesnt deserve to be respected.

even though these things never happened to me, i am wondering: "why did they do this? pedos? what if the same thing happen to their children?"

well, why my entry this time is about teachers who dont deserve to be respected?
yes i admit that not all teachers act this way. but...

Me: Age 3 / 4 ~ The Moon

in kindergarten, my teacher said that he can fly to the moon. (WTF???)

Me: Age 7 ~ The Slap
primary school year 1. in my class, there was a girl. i dont remember her name. she's the daughter of my wats-this-subject-called-again-female-teacher (WTSCAFT). then there was a test. the daughter of the WTSCAFT sat behind me. she couldnt answer the test. luckily her mother the WTSCAFT was there. she told her daughter the answers. i looked behind me. then the WTSCAFT slapped me on my face and said: "what are you looking at? face the front!"

fcuk you.

Me: Age 10 ~ Book No. 18

primary school year 5. my english teacher named Mrs. Tan. she taught me English in school and both English & Math in her tuition center. i was very close to her because i was very good in English (for a 10 y o standard). and yes; i was one of her student in her tuition center. i always wore a cap when i went for my tuition class.

1 day she rented 36 Enid Blyton's books from some bookstore. she numbered every single book. 1 - 36. then she lended my whole class in school one book each. we will need to write a summary; list of characters and our feedback of the book in our Reading Record (RR). in the class name list, i am number 18. so i get the book numbered 18. i read it, i hate it. so i wrote that i dont like the book as feedback. after each of us done with the book we are currently reading, we need to exchange the books among ourselves until we are done with all 36 books.

1 other day, book no. 18 went missing. Mrs. Tan went mad.

then the next few days after we are done with English period; she said: "i finally know who stole the book."
i was curious; and because i was concern of her, i asked who did it. then she said: "see? the thief herself dare to ask me. i found the book under your desk at my tuition center. it was covered by your cap u left."

i was stunned. she humiliated me. the whole class looked at me the the eyes saying that i am a thief.

a few minutes after she left, a girl from another class came to me saying that Mrs. Tan wanted to see me. i went to the staffroom. she was there, looking at my first entry of my RR. it was about book no 18. & i wrote there i dont like the book. so she said:"im sorry. i didnt realize that u had already read the book. and u said that u didnt like it. & if u didnt like it why would u want to read it again right?"

sigh~ in my mind now i said: "fcuk you lady. i wouldnt really even want to have any of your rented books. my father can afford more than 36 books for me."

what a b!tch~ and i am wondering if she is already dead by now..

Me: Age 11 ~ The Store Room Door

primary school year 6. i had to follow my parents to transferring to another district; so i transferred school. in the new school, my homeroom teacher is Miss Rodziana.

as a transfer student, in this country, yes, i would be sitting at the back. so my seat was at the back; and there was a storeroom behind me. the kids in my class loves to play in the storeroom. they have their way to open the door and the door lock ended up spoiled. and guess what? Miss Rodziana blamed me. because i sat near the door. yes, i admit now that i played in the storeroom with my classmates. but i didnt do anything with the door look. i was just following the others. but by that time, i wasnt all that naive like how i was dduring my time with Mrs. Tan. i dared to raise my voice saying "IT WASNT ME".

heh.. well~ Miss Rodziana was not a very good example as a teacher, really. she is old and her face drops and she always wore very tight kebaya. disgusting~

Me: Age 15 ~ Being Sick & Ignored

full boarding school form 4. Miss Nafisah taught us Bahasa Melayu and she was one of our dorm warden. she just came out of KPLI; if i am not mistaken. i was really sick one day. if it is just a mild fever; i wouldnt have cared. i was REALLY sick. and what she did as a warden, she went to see me for a while, and then she went out to the night market. my father left me to be under her responsibility as the warden. she was supposed to take me to get any type of medical care. i was so sick that my best friend had to help me to call my father telling him that i am sick. so my father came and took me out without the school's consent. i was taken to a clinic and stayed at home for a few days.

when i came back to school, teachers hate me. i was called by Mr. What-Was-His-Name-Again; who taught Physics and also the Discipline Teacher (if i am not mistaken). he mental tortured me.

and there was another teacher Mr. Rosyaimi who taught us Chemistry. he was so eager to get married that he left the class without scheduling for another class and went to a marriage course.

Me: Age 15 ~ Fuck You Middle High School

my mid high school called me to attend a ceremony for getting straight A's in PMR before i went to the full boarding school. i wanted to come but my father said that the ceremony will interfere with my studies; so he will go on my behalf.

but... when he was there, they didnt even call my name. i am not quite sure why. so my father just waited there for nothing. waiting like a dummy. how dare they. and fuck you too Mrs. Minah (principal. mentioned her here).

Me: Age 17 / 18 ~ Kid Brother Being Sick & Ignored
(a School in Kuantan, Pahang)
now it is my youngest bro's turn. he had a fever at school. but his school teachers just asked him to lay down in the sickbay without any medication or anything. our home, by that time wasnt that far. i could have pick him up by scooter. cant they give us a call? i know that my kid brother isnt stupid. he knows our home telephone number. you know what you fucking teachers, we can pay for your phone bill if my kid brother were to borrow your fucking cellphone.

Me: Age 20 ~ Da Ninja!
(a School in Ayer Hitam, Johor)
my youngest bro came back from school and told us: "just now there was a kid who didnt bring his book and the ustaz throw a fork at him. the fork hits his ear and he was bleeding."


Me: Age 22 ~ Umur Aku 22

read this. at bebelan No. 2 & 4

and there is also Part 2.

oh yeah~ happy belated teachers' day~

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