April 13, 2011

i buy these ideas; do you?

i am a person with very good memories of what people said/write to me.


if you really are the sun, no matter where you go, you will shine.

face your fear, and you will become a bigger person.

believe in yourself you can. but it is not really about you can or you can't; it is about you want or you don't want.

don't always work for money. work for experience.

you have to break the record you have now; then only you can set higher target.

you are still at the age where you can be shaped without being broken. shape yourself and let others guide you how.


today i got another one:

unless you try to do something beyond what you've already mastered, you will never GROW.


lets go home, freshen up, and start to work again. shall we?

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