May 03, 2011

the past should stay in the past

"i m actually not a kind of person who will aproach ppl, even if we used to be friends, or we are stil friends but we just didnt see or talk to each other. i let d past stays in d past. for me its enough just to watch them from afar n to know dat they're ok." -- from this entry.


maybe i am a kind of person who always look forward and never look back.

"you can never see what is in the future if you keep staying in the past"

but that's also not good.

"if you never look back, then you will never learn from your past & you will repeat the same mistake"

so, just like another bad habit of mine

"to drive fast, i always concentrate on what is in front of me. if there is a stupid driver who drives really slow on the fast lane, i look back a bit and take over from the left; and drive faster. sometimes if i drive pass something beside the road (ghosts, maybe?) i'd never look back or the 'something' will get on my back seat!!!! errr, i mean, i'd never look back too long, else i will hit something in front of me. let it be. let it stay there"

the past should stay in the past. full stop. no buts. end of the story.

p/s: to the 'past'. your style of greeting me makes me wanna puke! its disgusting!

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