May 05, 2011

jar of hearts

wrong way of approaching people will get you a penampar jepun on your face by the people you approach. kamon la~ all of us are grown ups now. is there no better or more polite way to ask for something? "main langgar je" bak kata nabil yang pakai tudung last week nye maharaja lawak episod (apa berterabur bahasa nih?).

below adalah aku nye personal/member2/family2 member experience. sape mkn cili dia terasa pedas.

1. pengalaman dalam bus express

i was on my way back to utp, the bus stopped for a while at yong peng bus stand (or is it a bus station?). so i got out & bus some sweets. at the cashier counter when i was paying for the sweets, suddenly a guy approached me & said,"wah~ mcm sedap gula2. blanja la~." without saying a word [but my heart's mouth (got such thing meh?) cursed like hell], i just smiled at him & walk away. then i heard him yelled at me,"sombong arr kao! mintak banje sikit pun tabole."

duh~ who the hell are you?; that you want me to simply belanja you?

2. pengalaman jemputan kahwin

this girl is.. ermm.. ok i dont know whats her exact age but she is slightly older than me by.. maybe 1-2 years? she was getting married a few years back & i dunno if she tak cukup budget mau hantar kad kahwin sampai rumah. so she sent a bulk sms to each of her elders, mak long pak long mak ngah pak ngah mak su pak su et cetera; sounds like the below:

"salam, hadirin hadirat di jemput hadir ke majlis perkahwinan saya di bla bla bla."

the way she invites her elders made the elders all feel disgusted with her; just because the way she send the sms is like a general sms to be sent to the public. they are your uncles & aunties la amooiiiiii~!! dont treat them like that~!

3. buat2 salah number

ini suda banyak kali aku menang. maka aku pun suda penat mau bercerita lagi. untuk cerita lanjut, anda bole bertanya kepada baby, peke, aina et cetera (itu pun kalau mereka masih ingat akan perangai aku yang suka mengorat tak tentu pasal).

lagipun aku tlah pun bersara dari dunia ini. sekarang aku busy (konon, pdhal sempat nulis blog), tade mase da nak main2 sms sape menang sape kalah cam zaman muda remaja dulu.

tu la kao, sape suh buat2 salah number~ kan da makan hati. memang the very wrong way of approaching people.

4. !@#$%^&*

sigh~ i wish i can slap the jar of hearts by christina perri right on your stupid faces.

the very very wrong way of approaching & getting back to me.

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