October 27, 2011


boss: bla bla bla.. hahahaha~

colleague #1: hahaha~

colleague #2: hahaha~

boss: gun, you know what i mean?

me: sorry i dont know what you are talking about.

boss: how old are you ah?

me: 23.

colleague #1: haiz~ you are too young to know lah.

boss: you are still pure. not yet 'polluted'.



creating a training module is hard for me. well, i was not really trained & supervised by someone. they really did like... err... let me go by my own?

what i got was words like "try la.. you never try then you will never know.."

then after i tried, it was like "gun, you ok ah? if ok then you proceed la.. take it as training.."

lucky that i had never done anything REALLY serious.




since i am the one creating this, i guess i will be responsible if anything were going to happen.

"GUN! how come this & that bla bla bla???!!! take responsibility!!!"

demm am i thinking too much?

or am i just... *sigh*... not ready to take responsibilities?

pic from here

true enough. they let me go by my own because they are ready to take responsibility just in case if anything were to happen to me; or to the equipment.


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