October 15, 2011

Sakit Jantung? Aku?

i started feeling chest pain at about 12 noon yesterday. it happened quite a lot of times before so i let it be. half hour later i went out for lunch. after lunch at about 1pm, the pain becomes more severe.

but still, i just let it be.

until at about 3pm, i feel like i couldnt stand the pain and i googled about chest pain. tapi mampos la aku nak baca. gugel je reti, baca malas.

starting this point i felt numb at the middle of my chest, shoulders and my left neck.

then one of my ex colleague asked "pain with what character? if squeezing or punching pain radiating to arm & jaw, better see doctor."

i replied with "noted" je. i dont feel like i have the time. i have a briefing to attend at 530pm yesterday and i need to go to my swimming class that starts at 8pm. i didnt even finish the task that my boss assgined to me that needed to be hand in tomorrow (sunday). melalut ke mana ni? ok sambung citer.

i bare the pain until 530 to go to the briefing which ends at 7pm. at this time the pain goes to my left knee but again, i let it be. i went home straight away after the briefing & get myself ready for the swimming class.

i just swim as usual and all the pain is gone. afterwards i went to eat roti bom almost 2 ketul + sebahagian roti telur + sebahagian nasik goreng usa + sebahagian tomyam + teh ais bersama colleague aku. banyak kan aku makan?

then again & again (then lagi. sory la vocab aku tak hebat) i went home & sleep ZZZZZZ until this morning i woke up at 6.30am & comtinue to sleep until 8am.

i went off to work at 9am and now; i am at the office typing in this entry.

('''=_=) wth was yesterday's chest pain for? 

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