December 15, 2011

Like A Buss

baru lepas lunch.

kenyang. hujan. nak tido.

sebelum lunch tadi ada discussion dengan D#1 about brochure. kena discuss kaw-kaw. 

sebab da nak betolak pegi langkawi tonight.

sebelum discussion tadi.

dok kat meja, C#1 tegur "gun, what is wrong with you today?"

then turun pegi buat green tea coffee and meet kak mas.

kak mas "gun, kenapa muka macam sedih je?"

sebelum buat coffee tadi ada meeting.

regarding semua update untuk this coming 1st Jan.

sebelum meeting, malam tadi.

aku tensi dan upset.

sebab aku tensi dan upset?


sebenarnye aku marah dengan diri seniri. almost sume bende aku lupa. 

aku lupa update water sports schedule. 

aku lupa remind sume orang pasal meeting hari ni. 

aku lupa nak chase sume orang suh dorang update untuk aku buat proposal.


aku confused...

aku tak tau mana nak start...

aku rasa really in deep shit...

dan dalam meeting tadi...

SB: gun, what you think?

aku yang sedang upset about something and never had 'bad words' keluar dari my mouth in front of SB: who knows some really stupid people dont know where this place is?

D#1: why not indicate rm350/half hour at johor one?

aku: then you find another place for me to replace the fly fish at johor la! each thing we want them to be in different places, right?

like a buss.


just now...

C#1: they called us say that we need to gather here 7.30pm.

so... aku chow awal...

like a buss.

bye bye~

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