December 13, 2011

Busy Lagi

"go on Sea-Doo GTI 130HP half hour RM350?! what the fuck?" - Photographer#1


baru lepas bong bang bong bang dengan D#1 about marketing and promotion.

about brochure.

about pictures.

about research.

'about us'.

about new facebook page.

about new promotional video.

about cari model for the promotional video.

about shooting for the promotional video.



rasa cam busy giler dengan preparation nak pegi Langkawi

dan juga preparation nak soft opening this coming 1st Jan 2012.

dan juga lain-lain hal seperti

follow up.


main games kat google+.

perah otak cari idea.

planning for meeting.

lama entry ni lagging. sejak kul 11.59am tadi aku tulis, then lagging sampai sekarang sebab banyak keje.

dah kul 6. boleh balik. sakit pale aku pikir.

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