December 23, 2011

Shit & Assholes

continue from here.


a lot of people thought that: 

you are the boss. 

sure you can do whatever you want. 

go on vacation whenever you want. 

pass the shit to whoever you want.

yes, when the top level ppl look down, they see only shit

as you can see, managers sit on top, shit on almost everyone's head

execs accept the managers' shit, pass down the shit to depts, together with their own shit

depts accept the execs' and managers' shit pass down to the rest, together with their own shit

yang paling banyak kena shit, of course la golongan the rest

and when the bottom level ppl look up, they see only assholes

the rest look up, they will only see the depts' assholes, because they report directly to the particular dept; not to the execs & managers.

depts look up, they will only see execs' assholes, because they report directly to the execs, not to the managers.

execs look up, they will only see managers' assholes, because they report directly to the managers, not to the COO, CFO, CEO, etc.

if you look down and you see only shit

some managers are true assholes. they dont care whatever the things happen below them.

but to be a good manager, you got to maintain good relationship with their staff. 

win their heart in order to make you go higher.

at the same time, bully them in a good way.

dont always look at them as shit.

understand them.

if you look up and you see only assholes

tu la kecik-kecik suh blaja tanak. da besar jadi shit

admit it that there are people who sits higher than you, runs faster than you, stands taller than you.

take the shit pass by your superior as a challenge to prove to them that you can create a cup of tea out of the shit.

empty your cup.


we are going to hire more ppl. i cant have 10 of my managers to go down the lake everyday. there are many things for you to learn. i hope that you are ready to take this challenge. in the future you got to take care of a lot of things: hr, accounts, operations, a&p and more. and you are going to deal with more people who will look up to you. you will be directly report to me. if your staff do good, it is all because of you. if your staff do bad, it is also all because of you. if this business do good, it is all because of you. if this business go bad, it is all also because of you. - quoted

*pic(s) & vid(s) credit to the power of the internet

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