January 09, 2012

Mana Ada Hantu!!?? Cerciter 2

Cerciter 1

Management Trainee #1: you pergi naik dulu. i mau kemas ini.

aku: *hesitate*

MT#1: kenapa?

aku: so dark wor~

MT#1: you takut ah?

it happened when i was still a management trainee. after water sports, about 7.30pm, MT#1 and i head back to office. at last we went up to office together and he ended up waiting for me until i finish cleaning up.

now i am not that scared of office at night anymore. but still, i get goosebumps whenever i was on my way down the stairs, at night in the office, knowing that


are under the stairs. i had always imagine that they will turn into


a bunch of freaks.


one night in 1999, Temerloh, Pahang.

mak: gun kitorang nak pegi pasar malam kemuning. nak ikut tak?

me: tape la mak. kome nak study. UPSR da dekat. kome kan pelajar cemerlang~

mak: ok. take care.

maka tinggal la aku bersendirian di living room of a 2-storey end lot terrace. master bedrooms, 2 small rooms and 3 bathrooms (1 in master bedroom, 1 outside the small room, 1 downstairs next to the kitchen). sedang aku khusyuk study sebagai pelajar cemerlang, tetiba...

kriuuukkk kreeekkk bunyi pintu, di ikuti dengan bunyi orang spray bilik guna aerosol dan...


pintu bilik di hempas.

terasa perut mengecil.

dan rasa cam nak terkucil.

tapi nak pegi bathroom next to the kitchen takut.

sebab dari living room aku dengar bunyi tapak kaki.





hati berdebar-debar.

baca ayat Kursi dan Al-Fatihah pun da berterabur.

kriuuukkk kreeekkk bunyi pintu, di ikuti dengan bunyi orang spray bilik guna aerosol dan...


pintu bilik di hempas lagi.

hamboih rajin nye makhluk Tuhan ni tolong spray bilik.





debaran semakin terasa. aku tutup tinge guna bantal atas sofa dan mulut aku busy berkumat-kamit membaca apa yang aku ingat.

tuck! kriuuukkk kreeekkk bunyi selak dan pintu bathroom. spray lagi. kriuuukkk kreeekkk~ tuck!

wah! pandai kau selak balik pintu bathroom eh~





kriuuukkk kreeekkk bunyi pintu master bedroom.

bunyi spray.


ouh em ji ouh em ji ouh em ji~

pejam mata, tutup tinge.

adakah dia akan turun untuk spray bathroom kat tingkat bawah?



knock knock knock on the sliding door.

"gun~ gun~"


pak kah itu?

mak dan pak da pulang kah?

hati ku menggeletik keriangan kerana pak dan mak da pulang!

aku bergegas ke sliding door.

selak curtain dan...

tade orang.



ending citer ni?

well akhirnye makpak aku pulang about half hour after aku selak curtain tade orang. aku citer kat makpak aku about what happened.

and bese la dorang just said "mana ada hantu~ gun banyak imaginasi ni~"

*pic(s) and vid(s) credit to the power of the internet

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