January 08, 2012

Wounded Moose As A Friend 2

Moose 1

last night aku suddenly teringat pasal things that my friends had ever said to me when:

i was helping Her#1 with something out of the campus area. she said "time camni la kita tau sape kawan sebenar."

i was in Her#2 room and was thinking that i want to go back to my room. she said "gun, ko nak gi mane? stay here. i need you to be here."

i send Her#3 off for semester break and a few minutes later she sent me an SMS "thank you, baby. terharu dengan you."

i went hanging out with Her#4. "next time aku nak kuar dengan ko lagi. aku rasa selamat kuar dengan ko."

through g-talk. me "best sangat ke euphonious tu?"
Him#1 "best la sebab bole date dengan ko."

hanging outside my room, kejar nyamuk, menghirup udara malam and suddenly He#2 said "jom couple dengan aku." ... but i stayed friends with him.

i was on my way back to campus with some of my friends and i bought something dangerous. they said "tape kitorang cover untuk you. at least rasa selamat sikit kalau you ada."

during study week, She#2 said "gun, jom blaja. aku nak blaja dengan ko baru ada semangat sikit."

and yes, i did scream like a wounded moose, act retarded, shout out bad words sometimes, all in front of them.

then we just continue what we were doing, like nothing happened.


well sometimes they go all crazy like i did. THEN we continue what we were doing, like nothing happened.

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