July 31, 2013

Raising: An Empty Can

good morning.

i am pleased to let you know that i am currently in charge of a girl who had just came to join us starting 1st july. it has been a month now. 

i am in charge of training her to become a trainer just like any other of us. have i ever wrote that i dont know how to train people?

yes, yes i did.

so she has been following a few of my fellow colleagues for training; and i have given out a lot of advice to her. 

and yesterday only i realize that she is a "tin kosong". it is a malay proverb; directly translated as "an empty can"; which means that she talks big but actually is empty inside.

yes, she did talk big. 

whenever i gave her any suggestion or asked her what would she do in order to improve her presentation skills, she would say anything - that i assume - to sooth me and stop me from talking more about her performance.

she said that she would go through all the documents in a file that my training coordinator passed to her, that she would read all the standard operating procedure of a training, that she would do this and that.


but every time i asked her to conduct a mock training presentation, she showed no sign of improvement.

every time i asked her what do we need to do in a training; based on the S.O.P, she went blank. so i asked her to study the S.O.P again and came back to me after 30 minutes, she still showed no sign of improvement.

NO! sign of improvement. 

for one WHOLE month of july.

oh, God~

i talked to my manager about her.

in fact, i talked to my other manager about her. i also talked about her to my boss. asking what else can i do to help her.

so yesterday i went to talk to my manager.


he gave me a lot of advice on managing people.

and yesterday, she improved a lot during the second mock training presentation about DRCAB.

but she just performed it in front of me and another colleague from sales department; who is also a trainer, but he is now concentrating more on sales.

so i asked if she could perform her presentation in the training department, in front of other trainers.

she said yes; so i set a time for her - that she is going to perform at 5pm.

so at 5pm, i went to the training department and sat at one of my colleague's desk - he was at Kuala Terengganu yesterday for a training.

i waited.




da da da da~

5.14pm she silently came to me and said: "can we do this tomorrow?"

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