August 01, 2013

Thank You by Home Made 家族

黄昏の町が赤く染まる頃 何気無く道を歩いていた
as twilight dyed the city crimson i kept walking down the road

行交う人の群れが増す午後 何となく立ち止まって見た
in the midst of the afternoon passers-by somehow i just stopped and watched

ポツリと空いた心の隙間 埋めるように動いた携帯の manner
as if to fill up the gap little by little opening up in my heart, my cell phone started moving in such manner

君は一人じゃない ほら 皆互いに支え合ってゆくのさ
you are not alone; see? people are going to support each other

不安定な未来が怖くて 悩んでいた僕にへ向かって
i was afraid of the uncertain future i was troubled and you came towards me

without saying anything, you were there and gently reach out to me

悲しみが半分に成った 喜びは二倍に膨らんだ
my sorrow is halved, my happiness is doubled

逆の立場に成ったらすぐさま 側まで駆けつけると誓った
if our positions ever reversed, i swear i will rush to your side anytime

far away far away 遠く離れていても 流れる時の中で
far away far away even if we were separated far away by the flowing time

共に過ごした日々の記憶は 決して消えることはないのさ
the memories from the days we spent together will never fade away

仲間や家族や恋人 そして出会った総べての人々
friends and family and lover; and everyone that i have ever met

「ありがとう!」皆のおかげで また明日から力強く踏み出せる
「thank you!」it's thanks to all of you that i vigorously push forward from tomorrow

no one can go on to live by their own

peers always mutually support each other

we talk it out when we don't have an understanding

腹抱えるぐらい 笑い合いたい
i want to laugh together with you till my belly burst 

なのになぜ こう時に貶し合い
even so, why do we sometimes speak ill of one another

when we don't even really intend to hurt each other on purpose

i like you so much it's ridiculous

it's embarrassing but i mean it a little

きっとみんな意外とシャイでも向かって なかなか口に出して言えなくて
in fact people are unexpectedly shy when they look others in the face they talk a lot but don't really "say" anything

だけど本当は言いたいくせに 何かが邪魔してみんな強がって
but the fact is when they want to say it, something always gets in the way and they pretend it's okay and act tough

at times, bare your heart and come clean

there are miraculous force dwells in words

簡単なことさじ分からまず始めよ; うきっとできるよ
it's so easy, start from within; you can definitely do it

振り向けば i will be there just forever
whenever you turn around i will be there just forever

just like when you were there for me

i wrapped up my everyday feelings for those who have always been there for me in this rhapsody

appreciation の気持を届け
let it deliver my feelings of appreciation

thank you, always; thank you, really

wherever you are, i thank you for your existence

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