August 06, 2013

Totally Forgotten 2

Totally Forgotten here.

it was The Joker's birthday on 1st August. 

i posted on his wall and The Boss commented on my post that we should celebrate his birthday at Las Vacas the next day. 

other than celebrating The Joker's birthday, The Boss also mentioned that we should gather to plan our next waterfall trip.

i agreed and so i went there the next day.

when i arrived, The Boss and The Cameraman is already there. The Boss guided me on what to order and i just followed his suggestion as it is my first time there. 

we waited and there comes another 2 guys, which i didnt know. The Boss introduced me to them and them to me. 

it ended up that they are all my seniors in UTP

WE are all from UTP. we just happened to be in the different year and different course. 

they talked and talked about how UTP have changed, how Bandar Seri Iskandar have changed, and how other things remain the same or being worse.

i remained silent because i do not really know the 2 guys The Boss just introduced me; and also because i think...

i have lost most of my 5 years memories there.

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