March 16, 2014


SATURDAY (15 March 2014)

Search narrows to two air corridors as Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak confirms plane kept flying after it "vanished". Officials also confirm the jet's disappearance was a "deliberate act".

FRIDAY (14 March 2014)

Investigators are increasingly certain the jet turned back across the Malay Peninsula after losing communication.

International search expands westwards towards Indian Ocean.

THURSDAY (13 March 2014)

Malaysian military confirms spotting an unidentified aircraft on its radar about 1 hour and 20 minutes after MH370's signal went cold. Airline says it has not been determined if that was the missing jet.

Malaysian authorities vow to banish witch doctor if he again carries out a ritual at the country's main airport after the scene draws ridicule around the world.

WEDNESDAY (12 March 2014)

Beijing slams Malaysia's "pretty chaotic" and conflicting information as Kuala Lumpur officials fail to pinpoint the plane's last known whereabouts.

Malaysian media report the government has invited a witch doctor to help look for the plane by using a magic carpet, two coconuts and a wooden stick.

TUESDAY (11 March 2014)

Two senior Malaysian military officials say missing jet flew for an hour off its flight course and at a lower altitude after disappearing from civil aviation radar, partly explaining why Malaysia expanded search area to include Strait of Malacca two days earlier.

3pm: Malaysian police say one of two passengers using a stolen passport is an Iranian teenager, and release photos of both. 

MONDAY (10 March 2014)

The largest rescue flotilla in Chinese naval history - four warships and five civilian and commercial vessels - speeds overnight to waters between Malaysia and Vietnam. Ten Chinese satellites join the hunt

Night: Airline announces it will give 31,000 yuan (HK$39,200) to relatives of each passenger as a special condolence payment

SUNDAY (9 March 2014)

2am: Airline says it last heard from MH370 at 1.30am, not 2.40am.

2.43am: Airline chief executive makes first public statement.

Noon: Hong Kong Immigration Department confirms 45-year-old local woman was on board.

SATURDAY (8 March 2014)

7.24am: Malaysia Airlines confirms a jet lost contact with Subang air traffic control at 2.40am after it took off from Kuala Lumpur.

10.30am: Families waiting at Beijing airport are told passengers will not arrive.

By night: International rescue effort is under way. Two passengers used passports - one Austrian, one Italian - reported stolen in Thailand. Airline does not rule out terrorism.


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